#26: It Works pt. 2! (4/11-4/17)
It worked again!
Second time around the setup went perfectly. Even though I’d struck the whole setup and started from scratch again, recreating the projector location was fairly easy (I brought a laser measure this time which saved some time). Projector #2, sadly, never worked out. The first night I came with my bag full of every cable, extender, adapter, etc. I thought I would need. This night I just brought what I knew I needed and, surprise, the 20’ HDMI cables I found in the hall didn’t work, and I hadn’t brought my own video extenders since I’d found these cables. It did work intermittently and I had the second projector connected for at least 20-30 seconds, but never even got it calibrated. Additionally was clear that the fixed vertical shift on this second projector did not have the same optics as the first, despite the fact that they’re “identical” models.
Other than that, everything went wonderfully. The single projector was quick to line up, setting up lighting states was straightforward, and they’d conveniently left a grand piano in the middle of the hall that I used to stage some photographs – looking back at last weeks, they’re great, but they don’t look that different from the unreal screenshots, since the only thing visible is the light from the projector, which looks about the same in a photo of real life as in a screenshot of unreal. I promise the real-life experience is much better, and hope that the piano in the shot brings some of that perspective with it.
I’m happy with the images, don’t terribly mind the lack of projector #2, and am eager to do it again with people around, although I may need to put that off for a little to get through the end of the production season at work, the end of Studio w/ RJ’s project, and all these blog posts that I’ve gotten so incredibly behind on…