Graduate Studio

#24: Projection Prep (3/8-4/3)

Well it looks like I’ve followed up the slow week of PAX with a slow week of Easter Break. I’ve done my projector math, updated the unreal model, and built my projector-calibration izzy patch.

The projector math is fairly simple – the BenQ MW632ST projectors I have should sit just fine on a couple of 20” tall rolling tables and hit the top half of the wall. I will need to prop up the back a little, but that vertical angle is already so uncertain that I don’t see that making my life any more difficult.

I’ve re-scaled the unreal model so that one inch is 10 unreal units, using the 4’ wide windows as reference. I’m delighted that lighting all scaled perfectly well with the model, and I don’t seem to adjust the brightness to compensate for the slightly-larger throw distances. In the future, I could see it being very convenient to include a distinct reference object of known size in the scan – e.g. an 18” acting cube, somewhere that can later be cut out. We’ll see how accurate that rescale actually is.

The projector calibration patch is super simple, just the test images with a pair of 2-pixel-wide white lines that I can reposition (or angle) as needed.

And that’s all – at this point, I’m all set for projections in the space as soon as I and Brooks Concert Hall are both free after sunset at the same time. Which, given the coming tech week, will probably have to be Sunday.

Matthew Wasser